Jun 08, 2023


散歩の途中、ランタナの花の上を飛ぶモンシロチョウは毎年何回か見かける。 今日もうまく撮ることができた。 今日、梅雨に入ったそうだが、梅雨に入るとあまり雨は降らないのではないかという最近の天気予報に対してのひねくれた感じ方になる。

A cabbage white butterfly perched on a lantana flower

During my walk, I often spot cabbage white butterflies flying over the lantana flowers a few times each year. Today, I managed to take a good picture of one.

I've heard that we've entered the rainy season today, but I can't help feeling a bit skeptical about recent weather forecasts suggesting that we won't have much rain during this season.
It feels like we've already been in the rainy season for the past few weeks.


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